Wednesday, November 18, 2015

18th November, 2015


EOMOM (1 set every 2 minutes):
- 3 sets of: x3 Strict Press – 30-35-40
- 3 sets of: x3 Push Press – 50-55-55
- 2 sets of: x3 Push Jerk – 55-60
60Kg felt pretty easy. Plan was for 65 but didn’t realise was just 2 sets of PJ

10 Rounds of Cindy EMOM. If fail to complete round in minute, then rest on next minute. Scaled to 4 Pullups, 8 Pressups, 12 squats
Count: 9 Rounds (rested on the 7th)

45 Sit ups (unbroken) + ankle mob and calf stretches