2 x Max Press Ups in 2 Minutes (10 mins rest between)
- 47, 52
@ English National Indoor Rowing Championship
500m row
Time: 1:39.8
- Last year championship was: 1:42.8
- Last 500m was 1:39.2 (PB) on 19th July, 2013
Warmup: 500m row; lunges; spiderman; forward rolls
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (working upwards)
- 3x17.5kg, 27.5kg, 30kg,… 30kg, 32.5kg, 35kg, 37.kg, 40kg (F), 40kg (F), 40kg
For 8 minutes, complete on each minute:
- 3 Pull Ups
- 6 Press Ups
- 9 Squats
Warmup: 3 minutes skipping; shoulder stretches; samson stretches
Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 for new max:
- 15kg, 20kg, 30kg,… 40kg, 50kg, 55kg, 57.5kg, 60kg (PB), 40kg
3 Rounds for time:
- 10 DB Split Cleans (10kg)
- 30 Walking Lunges – DBs held in rack position
Time: 10:03
Warmup: 500m row; lunges; reverse lunges; stripper stretch; spiderman; inch work; deadbugs
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
- 20kg, 40kg, 70kg, 92.5kg…… 102.5kg, 105kg, 107.5kg, 110kg (F1), out of time
- Goblet Squats
- Press Ups (arms down waist more)
Time: 3:05
Been suffering with bad back. Even at work today it was sore and the idea of doing squats seemed impossible. Got home and rubbed the ball on the Gluteus Medius (left side)…. worked wonders. Seems to relate a lot to my back ache.
--> more stretches and trigger point work should help.
Also dealt with shoulder quite well over weekend with two points over the ridgeline (supraspinatus) on back of left-shoulder. Has got rid of most of the pain apart from bit on outside above tricep.
Warmup: 2 mins skip; bear crawl; broad jumps; burpees match broad jumps; repeat twice
AMRAP 5 minutes:
- 2 Power Snatches (30kg)
- 5 Over-Bar Burpees
< rest 2 minutes >
2 minutes:
- Thrusters (30kg)
< rest 2 minutes >
2 minutes:
- Max Double Unders
< rest 2 minutes >
5 minutes:
- 6 Hang Power Cleans (30kg)
- 6 Hand Release Press Ups
- 12 Squats
Count: 5 rounds + 1 Burpee; 14; 4; 4 Rounds + 1 PC
(Again – can’t do double-unders)
After…. hurt left side of buttock/back –> stretches and trigger point therapy
Warmup: 500m row; lunges; reverse lunges; stripper stretch; spiderman complex; inch worm
Work to a x1 max Split Jerk:
- 20kg x 5, 30kg x 4, 40 x 3; … 50kg, 60kg, 65kg, 65kg, 65kg
(65’s had a tiny bit of a press in them…. have done 70 before)
5 Rounds of:
- 9 Overhead Squats 25kg
- 9 Pull Ups
Time: 8:49
Warmup: 400m row; 2 x 10 Pull Ups; Press Ups; Overhead Squats; Hallow Rocks
5 Rounds:
- 6 Toes To Bar
- 12 Press Ups
- 18 Wall Ball
Time: ??
Was extremely sluggish. Wall Ball particularly - had to switch to low-target. Really couldn’t get into things and my shoulder was giving issues. Might be from what ate in day – albion shortbread and a pasty late on….
Left Shoulder: Pain down outside and pain extended slightly to bad at mid height. Pain lowering weight down, and some pain on T2B activation.
Warmup: Can’t remember
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
- 20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 50kg,… 57.5kg (F3), 45kg, 45kg, 45kg, 45kg
Was meant to be across at 57.5, bit much. And shoulder wasn’t having it.
3 Rounds
- 10 Burpee Box Jump
- 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Time: 9:18
(feeling unfit… pull ups are well hard)
Warmup: 400m row; pvc warmup of movements, then bar warmup of movements
AMRAP 12 Minutes
5 Overhead Squats
5 Front Squats
5 Back Squats
5 Push Press
5 Push Jerks
5 Split Jerks
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Power Cleans
5 Deadlifts
Count: 3 rounds
- Wasn’t listening – did 3 reps instead of 5… ooops
Warmup: 500m row; 27 squat types; thoracic spine
Working up to a maximum Clean (did power clean because of back issues)
- 10 x 20kg; 2 x 30kg;…. 40kg, 45kg, 50kg, 55kg, 57.5kg, 60kg, 62.5kg (F), 62.5kg (F), 62.5kg (equal PB)
Been suffering a bad back since before xmas. Hurt 4 times in total.
Still sore, but most of mobility back. Will be taking some things easy
Warmup: row 500m; lunges fwd and back; stripper stretch; inch worm; dead bugs
Backsquat light – 5x5
- 3 x 5 20kg…. 4 x 5 30kg, 1 x 5 35kg
1000m row as fast as possible
Time: 3:45.4 (PB)