Morning @ Home
2 x 10 squats
2 x 5 pull ups
2 x 5 press ups
2 x 10 sit ups
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
- 5 press ups
- 10 situps
- 15 squats
Count: 8 rounds + 4 situps
Then: Rings and Muscle-Up progressions…
A) 3 x 30 second strict support position (elbow locked/45 degree out). 90 second rests.
B) Ring Dips – complete the 5 sets with 90 second rests:
- 9, 8, 10, 7, 5
C) 5 minutes false grip ring pullup practice / assistance.
D) 5 x 3 high chest to bar pull ups. Aim for high as possible static. 90 second rest.
Late Afternoon:
1 hour: walk-in and solo climbing at Alderman Rocks. VDiff -> HS
Foam Roller – calfs, quads and thoracic spine extension.