400m light run.
2 x 10 Press Ups.
2 x 10 Hollow Rocks.
2 x 10 Kettlebell Swings (16kg).
5 rounds (rest as required) of:
- Work towards 3 rep max Push Press.
- 5 x Ring Plank.
- 5 x Ring V-ups.
- Rings Low Pressup….R arm out, L arm out, R arm fwd, L arm fwd, Both arms fwd.
Count (Push Press):
- 40kg, 45kg, 47.5kg, 50kg, 52.5kg (F3 first go – retry fine). Matched PB.
8 rounds – start each round on the minute:
- 10 x Kettlebell Swings (12kg).
- 40m Sprint (+walk back to start).