Warmup: 400m run; 3x5 Pull Ups, 5 Press Ups, 5 Sit Ups, 5 Squats
Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3
- 20kg, 30kg, 40kg,…. 50kg, 55kg, 60kg, 62.5kg (PB), 65kg (F1), 65kg (F1)
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
- 5 x 8 Power Cleans (heavy) (50kg)
- 10 Press Ups
Count: 5 Rounds + 4 PC
Felt pretty good tonight. Got there bit early and cross-balled my left shoulder out, and stretched chest, helped a lot of overhead heavy. Left Achilles hurting from last night on the warmup run + in the morning at work.