Monday, January 21, 2013

21st January, 2013


Warmup: 500m row; lunges; reverse lunges; stripper stretch; spiderman; inch work; deadbugs

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
- 20kg, 40kg, 70kg, 92.5kg……  102.5kg, 105kg, 107.5kg, 110kg (F1), out of time

- Goblet Squats
- Press Ups (arms down waist more)

Time: 3:05

Been suffering with bad back. Even at work today it was sore and the idea of doing squats seemed impossible. Got home and rubbed the ball on the Gluteus Medius (left side)…. worked wonders. Seems to relate a lot to my back ache.
--> more stretches and trigger point work should help.
Also dealt with shoulder quite well over weekend with two points over the ridgeline (supraspinatus) on back of left-shoulder. Has got rid of most of the pain apart from bit on outside above tricep.