400m light run.
Plank complex x2.
Jimmy Buffet mobility x2 (shoulders).
Find 5 rep maximum deadlift.
- 40kg, 60kg, 80kg, 80kg, 80kg
2 Rounds of:
- 2 minutes for max reps of power cleans + split jerk (20kg)
- 30 seconds rest…
- 2 minutes for max reps strict pull ups
- 30 seconds rest…
- Fast feet (best effort)
- 30 seconds rest…
Count (power cleans, pull ups):
- R1: 7, 19, R2: 8, 15
Evening @ Home
Ring Dips – complete the 5 sets with 90 second rests:
- 9, 8, 10, 7, 5
- count: 39
Kept deadlift at 80kg for technique.