Warmup: run; lunge complexes (normal, hands down, side, overhead, overhead side); glute and ankle stretches
5x8 Back Squats
- 20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 50kg, 55kg
- Thrusters (20kg)
- Ring Rows
- Sit Ups
Time: 6:47
Warmup: run; lunge complexes (normal, hands down, side, overhead, overhead side); glute and ankle stretches
5x8 Back Squats
- 20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 50kg, 55kg
- Thrusters (20kg)
- Ring Rows
- Sit Ups
Time: 6:47
Climbing – Teaching + 3 Severes and a few solos with rack and rope backpack.
Warmup based around squat
Then, aiming for:
10 x (1 snatch balance + 1 OHS)
- 20kg –> 35kg
10 x 1 Snatch High Pull
- 35kg –> 40kg
Squat Snatches
- 30kg –> 35kg
Warmup; run; skips; game sprints
EMOM 24minutes rotating through:
- 4 x Push Press + 8 Reverse Lunges (30kg)
- 10 Box Jumps
- 30 Double Unders + 5 Pull Ups (kipping)
Had problems with lunges and heart rate. At about 10 min mark dropped weight to 25, and reduced lunges to 6 + 8 box jumps. Otherwise ok – first time on pull ups since at GS. Not too bad
5 x 5 Front Squat
- went easyish as a bad right knee. 50Kg
5 Rounds (using 30kg – with aim of smoothness):
- 12 Deadlift
- 9 Hang Cleans
- 6 Push Press
Time: 8:33
Warmup: 4 runs; skips; crab walks etc
Practice on handstand kick ups
15 sec handstand; 15 sec rest
30 sec handstand; 15 sec rest
15 sec handstand; 15 sec rest
30 sec handstand; 15 sec rest
Pistol progressions
5 Rounds for time:
- 8 Pistols
- 10 KB Swings (12kg)
- 12 Toes to Bar
Time: 10:33
@Crossfit GS
Warmup: skipping + turkish getup practice (12kg KB)
Then (strength training):
EOMOM 10 minutes:
- L + R Turkish Getup (12kg KB)
- 5 strict pull ups
5 Sprint Rounds:
- 30 Single Unders
- 10 Squats to med ball
- 5 OTB Burpees
Times: 56, 50, 49, 51, 50
@Crossfit GS
Warmup: Bit of run, skips; and then kettlebell skills (12kg). TTB practice (kipping)
Working up a: 1 Shoulder Press; 1 Push Press, 1 Split Jerk
20kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg, 40kg, 40kg
- 20 Lunges
- 10 Push Press (30kg)
- 5 Toes-to-bar
Partnered workout (with Helen). Do 1 round then rest whilst other person does theirs.
4 Minutes: ?
3 Minutes: ?
2 Minutes: 1 round + 1 TTB
1 Minute: 7 Push Press
Yoga stretches + quad stretches.
Morning: Swimming – 32 breaststroke + 2 backstroke
Lunch: Walk to Albion and back (40mins)
@Crossfit GS
Warmup: running and skips; 3 x 8 KB swings + 8 sit ups
Handstand Pushup… progressions (box / ab mats – 20 plate+ab mat – bands)
In 4 minutes…
3 Rounds:
- 5 Heavy Power Cleans (50kg)
- 5 HSPUs (20 plate + ab mat… changed to 20+10 plates + ab mat for 2nd superset)
OTB Burpees in remaining time
Repeated twice, with about 3 min rest between
Score: 0 Burpees (finished having 2 HSPU), 2 Burpees
Yoga stretches
5 paired sets for strength:
- Ring Dips: 2,3,3,3,3
- Knees to Elbows: 5,6,6,5,6
Swimming – approx 30+ lengths
(First time for couple of years at least. Took a while to get into it)
5 Sets of:
- 2 Ring Dips
- 5 Knees to Elbows
5 Rounds of Cindy (strict pull ups)
Time: 11:20
@Crossfit GS
Box/Wall Walk + Shoulder Taps
Split Jerk 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
3x15kg, 3x35kg, 4x45kg, 3x55kg, 1x65kg, 75kg(fail), 75kg(fail)
- Press Ups (hand release)
- Sit Ups
Time: 5:08
@Crossfit GS
- 3 Shoulder Press (working upto 40kg)
- 6 Box Steps (2 x 12KB)
5 Rounds for time
- 10 Kettle Bell Swings (16Kg)
- 25 Touch Toes Jump to Bar
Time: 8:06
@Crossfit GS
Warmup: runs, skips and few burpees. A few wipers from bar.
- Lunges (rack position) 5+5
20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 40kg
3 Rounds:
- 8 DB Power Snatch (15kg)
- 37 Russian KB Swings (16kg)
- 78 Double-Unders
In teams (Steve). One works, whilst other rests (holding weight).
Time: 20:28