Thursday, September 8, 2011

8th September, 2011


400m light run.
3 x 5 Good Mornings (20kg).
3 x 10 OHS.
3 x 5 Pull ups.
3 x 10 Press ups.

Muscle-up progression – 5 sets of x3 false grip pull ups to highest point.
(using weight vest to train more activation)
- 0kg, +10kg vest, +10kg vest, +10kg vest, 0kg

5 rounds of:
- 1 minute wall ball (5kg high target).
- 1 minute sit ups
- 1 minute split cleans DBs (8kg)
- 1 minute press ups
- 1 minute rest

Count: 78/66/52/58/60 (total reps per round)