Friday, March 9, 2012

9th March, 2012


Warmup: 400m run; 10 Hollow Rocks; 10 Pull Ups; 10 Jumping Squats; Walking Lunges; Reverse Lunges; Spiderman Lunge, Stripper Stretch; Deadbugs (no rests); 10 Pull Ups; 10 Jumping Squats; 10 Hollow Rocks.

Crossfit Open 12.3
As many rounds possible in 18 minutes:
- 15 Box Jumps 24”
- 12 Push Press 52.5kg (from ground). Can use Push Jerk or Split Jerk too.
- 9 Toes-To-Bar

Count: 56

Power Clean from ground was a new PB for me. So, spent major of time getting the Push Presses done.