@ MDG Dive Pool
45 minutes Snorkling
Warmup: 200m run; lunges; reverse lunges; spiderman lunges; stripper stretch; scorpian broadjumps; 200m run
15 minutes, as many rounds as possible:
- 3 Turkish Get Ups (12.5kg DB)
- 6 Weighted Pull Ups (12.5kg DB)
- 9 Thrusters (Single 12.5kg DB)
- 12 Weighted Lunges (Single 12.5kg DB)
Count: 3 Rounds + 3TG + 6PU + 2TH
(not the best score, should of got 4 rounds at least)
10 minutes of Double-Unders practice. Got some reasonable linking going on – 3 reps
Warmup: 500m row; 2 x 10 Pull Ups; 10 Press Ups; 10 Sit Ups; 10 Squats
Knee Squat therapy… 5 x 5 Backsquats not too heavy
- 20kg, 20kg, 30kg,… 5 x 40kg
Tabatas. 8 Rounds + 8 Rounds of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest
A: Press Ups. Rest is held in up position
B: Squats. Rest is held in lower position
Scores are lowest round. 5, 7
(Only did 4 rounds of squats because of knee. Added on 3 rounds of pull ups equiv)
Warmup: 400m run; Wall Stretches; Bergener warmup
5-5-5-5-5 Push Press:
- 20kg; 30lkg; 3x40kg;… 5 x 45kg
For time:
- 800m run
- 15 Hang Split Snatch (30kg)
- 400m run
- 12 Hang Split Snatch
- 200m run
- 9 Hang Split Snatch
Time: 12:07
Diving @ Capernwray
Couple of dives concentrating on navigation, planning and timing. Some free ascent practice without guide to 5m safety. We just used 1 cylinder fill for both dives.
Dive #1: Dive time 31minutes. Max Depth 16.5m. Avg. 10.1m. 115 bar used. SAC=20.9
Dive #2: Dive time 20minutes. Max Depth 17.4m. Avg. 11.4m; 60 bar used. SAC=15.7
Warmup: 500m row; Ankle Wall Stretches; Bergner warmup
Work to a x1 Max Snatch:
- 20kg,…. 3x30kg; 2x35kg; 40kg; 42.5kg (PB) (lot of fails)
Did Squat Snatch upto 30kg, then switched to Power Snatch to give knee a break
Warmup: Skipping; 3 x 10 Press Ups; Pull Ups; Sit Ups; Squats
3 Rounds for Time:
- 21 DB Split Clean (12.5kgs)
- 15 Burpees
- 9 Pull Ups
Time: 14:08
15 minutes of Power Clean practice.
Warmup, then 30, 40, 50s for technique
Warmup: 400m run; 3 x 5 Pull Ups; Press Ups; Sit Ups; Squats; Wall Stretches
AMRAP 12 minutes of (using squat stand):
- 5 Shoulder Press (32.5kg)
- 10 Push Press (32.5kg)
- 400m Run
Count: 3 rounds + 7 Push Press
Quad / Hip Stretches
Warmup: 400m run; lunges; reverse lunges; spiderman; stripper stretch; wrist stretch; rack position stretches
5-5-5-5-5 Front Squats
- 20kg; 20kg;…. 5 x 5 @ 30kg (knee rehab getting there)
7 Rounds for time:
- 7 KB Swings (20kg)
- 7 Squats
- 7 Sit Ups
Time: 6:14
Note: Knee is definitely feeling better. Not fixed yet, must keep pushing out during squats else clicks. Small bit of pain in eve
Warmup: 3 x 5 Pull ups; Press Ups; Hollow Rocks; Squats
5-5-5 Weighted Pull Ups
Count: 7kg; 10kg; 12.5kg; 15kg; 17.5kg (PB)
9-6-3 rounds for time:
- Deadlift (85kg)
- Box Jumps (30”)
Time: 3:10
Work up to a maximum for:
- 1 Power Clean
- 2 Split Jerks
Count: 62.5kg (PB)
(got a poor clean at 65kg)
3 Rounds:
- Run 200m
- 11 Hand Release Press Ups
- 5 Overhead Squat (20kg)
Time: 5:48
Working as a team (with Connor):
Row 150 Calories whilst accumulating
- As many rounds and reps as possible of
- 30 Double Unders
- 30 Sit Ups
We broke the rowing down into 25 calories turns.
Knee therary: 5 x 7 of 20kg
Kettlebell Breathing Ladder:
1 Kettlebell Swing
Take 1 breath
2 Kettlebell Swings
Take 2 breaths
…up to
10 Kettlebell Swings
Take 10 breaths
9 Kettlebell Swings
Take 9 breaths
…down to
1 Kettlebell Swing
Count: 20kg. Failed at 4 on the way down
Diving @ Shetlands
A weeks diving on the Valkyrie in Shetlands. 11 dives ranging from wrecks to shorelines.
Warmup: 400m run; lunge walk; reverse lung walk; scorpion broadjump burpees; bear crawl; inch worm; 10 hallow rocks; dead bugs
3 Rounds of:
- 1 minute DB Push Press (10kg) - should of been wall ball
- 1 minute Box Jumps
- 1 minute Press Ups
- 1 minute Knees To Elbow
- 1 minute DB Split Snatch (10kg)
- 1 minute rest
Count: 83, 68, 66
Play around with new Farmers Walk handles: 2x50kg 2x20m
Warmup: 2 minutes skipping; walking lunges; reverse lunges; scorpion broad jump; bear crawl
5-5-5 Bench press:
- 10x20kg, 30kg, 3x45kg,…. 52.5kg, 55kg, 57.5kg (PB)
30-20-10 of:
- Kettlebell Swings (20kg)
- Box Jumps (20”) (substitute for ball slams)
Time: 6:34