Thursday, August 30, 2012

30th August, 2012


Warmup: 200m run; lunges; reverse lunges; spiderman lunges; stripper stretch; scorpian broadjumps; 200m run

15 minutes, as many rounds as possible:
- 3 Turkish Get Ups (12.5kg DB)
- 6 Weighted Pull Ups (12.5kg DB)
- 9 Thrusters (Single 12.5kg DB)
- 12 Weighted Lunges (Single 12.5kg DB)

Count: 3 Rounds + 3TG + 6PU + 2TH
(not the best score, should of got 4 rounds at least)

10 minutes of Double-Unders practice. Got some reasonable linking going on – 3 reps