Backsquats – working to a heavy x3
-20kg, 50kg, 50kg, 60kg, 70kg, 75kg (F1), 70kg
Quite happy – minor PB despite being my nemesis
- Wallball (5kg)
- Toes-to-Bar
Time: 7:29
Backsquats – working to a heavy x3
-20kg, 50kg, 50kg, 60kg, 70kg, 75kg (F1), 70kg
Quite happy – minor PB despite being my nemesis
- Wallball (5kg)
- Toes-to-Bar
Time: 7:29
21 minute EMOM:
- 10 Front Squats (30Kg)
- 10 Push Jerks (30Kg)
- 5 Pull Ups (strict)
Proved a lot tougher than thought. Heart rate high but movements were ok. Started on strict pull ups, but switched to green band after 2 rounds.
Immediately after:
4 rounds of Tabata…
- Sit Ups
- Press Ups
Warmup… everything raise the heart rate up high… running/sprints, burpees sprints, etc. Box jumps, skips, mobilisation.
Warmup on overhead movements…. push press and push jerk (30-40kg)
”Grace”… x30 C&J at 40Kg.
Time: 4:16
Warmup: few laps, skipping, arm swings, jump sequences
Working up to a heavy x3 Push Press, and then x3 Push Jerk
Push Press: 20kg, 2x30kg, 2x40kg, 50kg, 55kg, 60kg
Push Jerk: 50kg, 60kg, 65kg
- KB Swings (16Kg)
- Box Jumps (24”)
Time: 5:36
Working to a heavy x3 Thrusters…
- 3x20kg, 3x30kg, 3x40kg (felt fine – out of time)
9 minute AMRAP:
- 16 Wallball (3kg – no others available)
- 5 Burpees
- 1 Man Maker (12kg KBs)
4 Rounds + 16 WB + 1 Burpee
Warmup: Run, Inch Worm, Various squats… sumo->narrow
Workup to a heavy 2x Powerclean
- 10x20kg, 3x30kg, 40kg, 3x50kg, 60kg
5 Rounds for time of:
- 3 Hang Powercleans (40kg)
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Press Ups
- 15 Squats
Time: 9:00
Backsquat 5-5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1
- Up to 65Kg – felt fine, knee and all
In 7 Minutes…
3 Rounds:
- 30 SU skips
- 10 Situps
- 5 Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
In remaining time…as many front squats as possible (40kg)
Amount: 23
21 EMOM:
- 8 Backsquat (30kg)
- 2 Turkish Getup (10kg)
- 30 SU Skips (grew to 60 as progressed)
Meant as a recovery workout
Some work through hollow rocks, v-ups, and toes-to-bar….. got an effective kipping working.
Partner workout with Liz… suffered badly on wall ball.
Complete round A, wait for partner to do same. Complete round B
- Wall Balls (7kg / high)
- Press Ups
- Wall Balls (7kg / high)
- Sit Ups
Warmup: Skipping; PVC Burgenger
Olympic Lift techniques (1 hour):
- Snatch Techniques: Halt (1..2..3..) & Hang snatches (20-30kg)
(The half techique really helped with hip drive / shoulders over bar + pull bar in towards knees)
- Snatch: Press, Push Press, Push Jerk (30kg – 40kg (no press))
Gymnastics techniques (1 hour):
- Hollow Rocks, Supermans
- Strict K2E (bar and rings) + T2B
- Inversion & Candlestick
- Muscle Up Progressions
Warmup: run; lunges; leg swings; squats; pvc push jerk;
Skills: Man Makers & Push Jerks
21 EMOM:
- 1 Man Maker (15Kg)
- 10 Pistols
- 10 Push Jerks (30Kg)
Warmup: Run, Jumps, Lunges, Broadjump Burpees etc
Skill practice, box handstand, wall facing handstand, wall walk, shoulder taps
For Time (20 minute cap):
- 1-2-3-4-5 Wall Walks
- 10-20-30-40-50 Lunges
- 10-20-30-40-50 Sit Ups
Ran out of time: 13/50 Situps