Friday, August 26, 2011

26th August, 2011


400m light run.
5 rounds with 5-4-3-2-1 reps:
- Overhead Squat (15kg)
- Kettlebell Swing (16kg)
- Burpees

Variation of “Cindy” workout …
3 x 5 minute sets with as many rounds as possible – rest 2 minutes between sets.
(begin each 5 minute set where you finished the previous one).
- 5 Pull ups
- 10 Press ups
- 15 Squats

Count: 9 rounds + (5 pull ups + 7 press ups)
S1: 3 Cindy –> 13 Sqt
S2: 2 Sqt –> 2 Cindy –> 13 Sqt
S3: 2 Sqt –> 2 Cindy + (5 PuUp + 7 PrUp)

Skill work on Muscle-Ups on rings – working on progression in strict form.
Need to work on making pull up with false grip an inch or two deeper.

Myofascial release on calfs and quads with ball and foam roller.