5 sets:
- 3 x Weighted Pull Ups (lost these a lot!): 0kg, 4kg, 8kg, 10kg, 12kg
- 20 second support with emphasis on elbows and turnout
Followed by some muscle-up transition practice. Blue band = 5 reps; Purple = 1-2 reps
5 sets:
- 3 x Weighted Pull Ups (lost these a lot!): 0kg, 4kg, 8kg, 10kg, 12kg
- 20 second support with emphasis on elbows and turnout
Followed by some muscle-up transition practice. Blue band = 5 reps; Purple = 1-2 reps
Weightlifting class:
Warmups including upto 50kg Front Squat
5 x – 3 Power Clean … Upto 60Kg
5 x – 1FS + 2 Split Jerk … Upto 60Kg
5 x – 1 Clean & Jerk … 40kg, 50kg, 50kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg (fail on jerk)
Did quite a lot of the single C&J. 3 attempts on 70Kg. Cleaned twice (PB) but missed the Jerk which was bad as done 75 before. Rich observed that slow on ground to hang position. Speed up and concentrate at “driving the floor away”.
Then, some solid double 60Kg – felt nice and confident lifts. Also a few 50Kg squat cleans.
Mobility class – some rolling on IT band, pigeon stretch and ball on glutes
Team of 4 partnered workout. Using 40kg bar.
- 100 Cal Row
- 100 Deadlifts
- 80 Cal Row
- 80 HP cleans
- 60 Cal Row
- 60 Front Squats
- 40 Cal Row
- 40 Push Jerk
- 20 Cal Row
- 20 Clusters
Time: 38:24
Strength. 20 Minutes of a complex with about 2 min rest between
- x5 Strict Press (20-40kg)
- 30 Second plank
- x5 Pullups (did all 5s)
Partnered workout (Mark):
- 50 KB Swings (16Kg)
- 40 Box Jumps
- 30 Goblet Squats (16Kg)
- 10 Man Makers (10Kg DB)
- 30 Goblet Squats (16Kg)
- 40 Box Jumps
- 50 KB Swings (16Kg)
Time: 12:34
20 minutes to accumulate (in team of 2):
- 3 minutes of OH Stabilisation (bar above head with hanging weights on band)
- 3 minutes handstand
- 3 minutes deadhang
Partnered workout (Tom) for time (work/rest). Split sets in half
42-30-18 : KB Swings (16Kg) / Situps
42-30-18 : Deadlift (40Kg) / Single DB Push Press (10Kg)
Time: 11:48
EOMOM (1 set every 2 minutes):
- 3 sets of: x3 Strict Press – 30-35-40
- 3 sets of: x3 Push Press – 50-55-55
- 2 sets of: x3 Push Jerk – 55-60
60Kg felt pretty easy. Plan was for 65 but didn’t realise was just 2 sets of PJ
10 Rounds of Cindy EMOM. If fail to complete round in minute, then rest on next minute. Scaled to 4 Pullups, 8 Pressups, 12 squats
Count: 9 Rounds (rested on the 7th)
45 Sit ups (unbroken) + ankle mob and calf stretches
About 20 minutes on complex of: Snatch + Hip Snatch + OHS…. 20kg-30kg
Rich noted: Having a bit of problem where bar moving out (to get past hip) and then it moving around and back over top….. Go back on extension, and “scoop” under bar – will give room for it to go up.
A bit of a “Fight Gone Bad” style workout. Except each minute had 45sec work; 15sec rest.
3 Rounds of:
- 1 minute Wall Ball (5kg)
- 1 minute Russian KB Swings (20kg)
- 1 minute Sit Ups
- 1 minute DB Push Press (single arm / x5 alternates – 10Kg)
- 1 minute rest
Counts: 84 / 74 / 87
Wallball felt ok for once. Catch and hold high by face, elbows up in rack level and pulled in tight.
Overhead Squats x5 reps to heavy singles (no time):
- 20kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg, 45kg (F5 PB), 45kg(F1)
AMRAP split into 4 intervals of 2 minutes work; 1 minute rest:
- 8 Toes To Bar
- 8 Kettlebell Swings (16Kg)
- 8 Box Jumps (24”)
Count: 5 Rounds + 1 Box Jump
Mobility Class – mostly smashing work and stretches
10 Minutes on Snatch… complex of Hip, Hang, Knee. 30Kg
Then, Remembrance workout:
AMRAP 18Minutes
- 11 Hang Power Snatch (25Kg)
- 11 Burpees
- 11 Thrusters (25Kg)
- 11 Pull Ups (blue)
Rest for 2 minutes on the 11th minute
Count: 3 Rounds + 10 Snatches
Floor Press x3:
- 20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 50kg, 55kg (assist on 3rd), 55Kg
”Burpees Helen”
- 12 Burpees
- 21 KB Swings (16Kg)
- 15 Pull Ups (small blue band)
Time: 12:20
I could remember that Helen has 12 pull ups; so did that for rounds 1 and 2. Realised on last round that it was written 15 on board. Ooops
Performance didn’t feel great tonight. Felt it in the warmup. Been suffering with something - haven’t eaten much and feel lousy in morning, so had cancelled Monday and joined this eve instead. Set mind to more food and sleep.
Weight lifting:
Squat Snatch. Worked with 30-35Kg for technique. Must improved on drive and the speed. Starting to make a lot of sense now.
5x2 Hip
5x2 Hang
5x2 Knee
8x1 Ground
Hollow rock to stand. Cartwheel, Forward roll, Handstands.
- T2B practice + on rings.
- Handstand practice – beginning on free stand after trying against the band.
10min AMRAP. Partnered workout (split halfway):
- 30 KB Swings (20Kg)
- 20 Goblet Squats
- 2x Bear Crawls
Count: 4 Rounds + 2 KBs
5 Rounds with approx 90sec rest
- Strict Pull Ups. 8 dropping to 2
- Strict Press Ups. 12 dropping to 10
- Deadlift (60Kg)
- Push Press (10Kg DB)
- 200m Run
Time: 8:59
Climbing @ Aldermann
Teaching…. Hungover, so was late start, so went Aldermann with aim of giving Mariusz more lead experience.
I did slab chimney and P2 of Rib & Face as a beta. Then Mariusz repeated. Did very well. Bit rushed on P2 – but not surprisingly. Was a confident lead with very good gear. Belays were great.
For next time… rope tie-ins, use the tie in knot. Stick to Diffs or well protected VDiffs for now.
Lifting Class:
Snatch. Light work on 1 Hip + 1 Hang. Then, onto heavy singles from floor. 45Kg (not a pretty one). Mostly kept losing speed and committing under the bar. Hip drive felt an improvement from previous prompts given by Rich.
Gymnastics (30 min):
Muscle up progressions. 3x5 ring rows; 3x5 jump and catch in dip + press; 3x5 same but with higher rings and false grip start.
Followed by, Handstand work. Practiced smoother kick ups + balancing from wall; Then single arm balance. Good show – managed to do with either arm.
Warmup: Run, High Kicks, 2 x … Lunge complex, Double Wallball, Run
Split Jerk 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1
- 20kg, 20kg… 3x30kg, 3x40kg, 3x50kg, 60kg, 70kg, 75kg (F), 75kg (PB)
The 75kg was a bit of a pressout. Rich noted that elbows were down during drive, raise them and concentrate of getting drive from body / shoulders through the bar.
18 minutes EMOM (6 rounds):
- 1st minute: 3 Backsquats (40kg) + 5 Box Jumps (24”)
- 2nd minute: 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings (20kg)
- 3rd minute: 10 Press Ups + 30 Skips
Mobility class with Liz. Then, some soft tissue work with Rich – calf, quads, hamstring
Warmup: some skipping; lunges and practices on each movement
“Dirty 30”:
- 30 Box Jumps 24”
- 30 Jumping Pull Ups
- 30 KB Swings 16Kg
- 30 Walking Lunges
- 30 Knees to Elbows
- 30 Push Press 20Kg
- 30 Back Extensions
- 30 Wall Ball 5Kg
- 30 Burpees
- 60 Skips
Time: 22:42
Really struggled with the K2Es… lost a lot of time. I think was a 6/5/4 then 1s.
Week off hasnt helped, but was surprised that WB felt easier than normal.
@CrossfitGS / Morning Class
5 x on the 3 minute mark:
- 6 Ring Dips
- 1 set max Strict Pull Ups
Switched to Ring Press Ups and inclined pull ups at 4th round.
3 RTF:
- 30 KB Swings (12Kg)
- 30 Squats
- Run 200m
Time: 12:??
@CrossfitGS (Morning)
Olympic Lifting Class
Two halves:
- Power Snatch + 2 OHS. All on technique – worked up to 30Kg. Rich said hip extension lagging – try pausing for 3 seconds in hang position to force more hip power.
- Split Jerk. On technique – 20-50Kg. Aiming to get front foot forward far enough – worked well with practice.
Gymnastics Class
Inversion routines: Candlestick, Skin the Cat + reverse. Managed with L-Sit
Headstand and handstand progressions…. pretty bad at headstand
Turkish Getups… 15Kg & a 15Kg Barbell
Toe to Bar… technique – getting there… just the volume is a trouble now.
10-8-6-4-2 OTB Burpees
20-16-12-8-4 DB Snatches (10Kg)
Time: 6:18
(one of slowest times – burpees were killing me)
Push Jerk – to a heavy x3
- 20kg x2, 30kg x2, 40kg, 50kg, 60kg, 60kg, 30kg
60kg felt fine. Was with a new guy so didnt push it. Have previously done 65kg which was a stretch due to lower down – get that sorted and think 70kg would be possible.
90 seconds HSPUs; 90 seconds Pull Ups; 90 seconds Rest
60 seconds HSPUs; 60 seconds Pull Ups; 60 seconds Rest
30 seconds HSPUs; 30 seconds Pull Ups; 30 seconds Rest
Used a plate and two Abmats. So just a little HSPU. No idea on count. Think it was about 35 HSPU on first round.
Strength training with the 2 coaches from California.
This was mostly about body stabilisation & core strengths. They went through a bunch of exercises quite quickly. Can remember:
* Quite a lot of warms on body/core
* Lunge based things
* TGUs (16kg)
* Single DB strict press in lunge position (15kg)
* 3 walks to sign & back with 15Kg DBs in rack position
Was pretty tired from diving and lack of sleep.
@Eccy Delph
Scuba Diving; Buddied with Phil + Denise & Ian
Water Temp 14C. Mainly around the roped sections.
#1: 29 minutes, max 16.5m
#2: 30 minutes, max 15.2m
First dives since Sept 2014! Phil was the same
x3 Backsquat:
- 15kg, 25kg, 45kg, 55kg, 65kg, 70kg, 75kg (PB)
10 Minute AMRAP:
- 8 Pull Ups (should have been 10, but still getting into it)
- 15 KB Swings (16Kg)
- 20 Box Jumps (24”)
Backsquat was scruffy – but very happy to see improvement for once
Long walk in with rucksack from tea house.
Climbing with Mariusz. Lead climb:
- Heather Slab (S 3c *)
- Inverted Staircase (D ***)
- Damascus Crack (HS 4b *)
- Chicken Run (HVD *)
Finished with setting/demoing an abseil on Chicken Run for Mariusz. Long walk back. Helicopter coming in to evac a casualty – girl with a compound fracture to leg.
After warmup….
Warmups on HS Pressups, DLs, Cleans to 50kg
Workout #1… 5 minutes
- Handstand Pushups (2 plates + mat)
- 60Kg Deadlift
5 minutes rest
Workout #2…. 5 minutes:
- Power Cleans (50Kg)
- Goblet Squats (16Kg KB)
Count: 82 + 46
Backsquats – working to a heavy x3
-20kg, 50kg, 50kg, 60kg, 70kg, 75kg (F1), 70kg
Quite happy – minor PB despite being my nemesis
- Wallball (5kg)
- Toes-to-Bar
Time: 7:29
21 minute EMOM:
- 10 Front Squats (30Kg)
- 10 Push Jerks (30Kg)
- 5 Pull Ups (strict)
Proved a lot tougher than thought. Heart rate high but movements were ok. Started on strict pull ups, but switched to green band after 2 rounds.
Immediately after:
4 rounds of Tabata…
- Sit Ups
- Press Ups
Warmup… everything raise the heart rate up high… running/sprints, burpees sprints, etc. Box jumps, skips, mobilisation.
Warmup on overhead movements…. push press and push jerk (30-40kg)
”Grace”… x30 C&J at 40Kg.
Time: 4:16
Warmup: few laps, skipping, arm swings, jump sequences
Working up to a heavy x3 Push Press, and then x3 Push Jerk
Push Press: 20kg, 2x30kg, 2x40kg, 50kg, 55kg, 60kg
Push Jerk: 50kg, 60kg, 65kg
- KB Swings (16Kg)
- Box Jumps (24”)
Time: 5:36
Working to a heavy x3 Thrusters…
- 3x20kg, 3x30kg, 3x40kg (felt fine – out of time)
9 minute AMRAP:
- 16 Wallball (3kg – no others available)
- 5 Burpees
- 1 Man Maker (12kg KBs)
4 Rounds + 16 WB + 1 Burpee
Warmup: Run, Inch Worm, Various squats… sumo->narrow
Workup to a heavy 2x Powerclean
- 10x20kg, 3x30kg, 40kg, 3x50kg, 60kg
5 Rounds for time of:
- 3 Hang Powercleans (40kg)
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Press Ups
- 15 Squats
Time: 9:00
Backsquat 5-5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1
- Up to 65Kg – felt fine, knee and all
In 7 Minutes…
3 Rounds:
- 30 SU skips
- 10 Situps
- 5 Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
In remaining time…as many front squats as possible (40kg)
Amount: 23
21 EMOM:
- 8 Backsquat (30kg)
- 2 Turkish Getup (10kg)
- 30 SU Skips (grew to 60 as progressed)
Meant as a recovery workout
Some work through hollow rocks, v-ups, and toes-to-bar….. got an effective kipping working.
Partner workout with Liz… suffered badly on wall ball.
Complete round A, wait for partner to do same. Complete round B
- Wall Balls (7kg / high)
- Press Ups
- Wall Balls (7kg / high)
- Sit Ups
Warmup: Skipping; PVC Burgenger
Olympic Lift techniques (1 hour):
- Snatch Techniques: Halt (1..2..3..) & Hang snatches (20-30kg)
(The half techique really helped with hip drive / shoulders over bar + pull bar in towards knees)
- Snatch: Press, Push Press, Push Jerk (30kg – 40kg (no press))
Gymnastics techniques (1 hour):
- Hollow Rocks, Supermans
- Strict K2E (bar and rings) + T2B
- Inversion & Candlestick
- Muscle Up Progressions
Warmup: run; lunges; leg swings; squats; pvc push jerk;
Skills: Man Makers & Push Jerks
21 EMOM:
- 1 Man Maker (15Kg)
- 10 Pistols
- 10 Push Jerks (30Kg)
Warmup: Run, Jumps, Lunges, Broadjump Burpees etc
Skill practice, box handstand, wall facing handstand, wall walk, shoulder taps
For Time (20 minute cap):
- 1-2-3-4-5 Wall Walks
- 10-20-30-40-50 Lunges
- 10-20-30-40-50 Sit Ups
Ran out of time: 13/50 Situps
Warmup: run; lunge complexes (normal, hands down, side, overhead, overhead side); glute and ankle stretches
5x8 Back Squats
- 20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 50kg, 55kg
- Thrusters (20kg)
- Ring Rows
- Sit Ups
Time: 6:47
Climbing – Teaching + 3 Severes and a few solos with rack and rope backpack.
Warmup based around squat
Then, aiming for:
10 x (1 snatch balance + 1 OHS)
- 20kg –> 35kg
10 x 1 Snatch High Pull
- 35kg –> 40kg
Squat Snatches
- 30kg –> 35kg
Warmup; run; skips; game sprints
EMOM 24minutes rotating through:
- 4 x Push Press + 8 Reverse Lunges (30kg)
- 10 Box Jumps
- 30 Double Unders + 5 Pull Ups (kipping)
Had problems with lunges and heart rate. At about 10 min mark dropped weight to 25, and reduced lunges to 6 + 8 box jumps. Otherwise ok – first time on pull ups since at GS. Not too bad
5 x 5 Front Squat
- went easyish as a bad right knee. 50Kg
5 Rounds (using 30kg – with aim of smoothness):
- 12 Deadlift
- 9 Hang Cleans
- 6 Push Press
Time: 8:33
Warmup: 4 runs; skips; crab walks etc
Practice on handstand kick ups
15 sec handstand; 15 sec rest
30 sec handstand; 15 sec rest
15 sec handstand; 15 sec rest
30 sec handstand; 15 sec rest
Pistol progressions
5 Rounds for time:
- 8 Pistols
- 10 KB Swings (12kg)
- 12 Toes to Bar
Time: 10:33
@Crossfit GS
Warmup: skipping + turkish getup practice (12kg KB)
Then (strength training):
EOMOM 10 minutes:
- L + R Turkish Getup (12kg KB)
- 5 strict pull ups
5 Sprint Rounds:
- 30 Single Unders
- 10 Squats to med ball
- 5 OTB Burpees
Times: 56, 50, 49, 51, 50
@Crossfit GS
Warmup: Bit of run, skips; and then kettlebell skills (12kg). TTB practice (kipping)
Working up a: 1 Shoulder Press; 1 Push Press, 1 Split Jerk
20kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg, 40kg, 40kg
- 20 Lunges
- 10 Push Press (30kg)
- 5 Toes-to-bar
Partnered workout (with Helen). Do 1 round then rest whilst other person does theirs.
4 Minutes: ?
3 Minutes: ?
2 Minutes: 1 round + 1 TTB
1 Minute: 7 Push Press
Yoga stretches + quad stretches.
Morning: Swimming – 32 breaststroke + 2 backstroke
Lunch: Walk to Albion and back (40mins)
@Crossfit GS
Warmup: running and skips; 3 x 8 KB swings + 8 sit ups
Handstand Pushup… progressions (box / ab mats – 20 plate+ab mat – bands)
In 4 minutes…
3 Rounds:
- 5 Heavy Power Cleans (50kg)
- 5 HSPUs (20 plate + ab mat… changed to 20+10 plates + ab mat for 2nd superset)
OTB Burpees in remaining time
Repeated twice, with about 3 min rest between
Score: 0 Burpees (finished having 2 HSPU), 2 Burpees
Yoga stretches
5 paired sets for strength:
- Ring Dips: 2,3,3,3,3
- Knees to Elbows: 5,6,6,5,6
Swimming – approx 30+ lengths
(First time for couple of years at least. Took a while to get into it)
5 Sets of:
- 2 Ring Dips
- 5 Knees to Elbows
5 Rounds of Cindy (strict pull ups)
Time: 11:20
@Crossfit GS
Box/Wall Walk + Shoulder Taps
Split Jerk 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
3x15kg, 3x35kg, 4x45kg, 3x55kg, 1x65kg, 75kg(fail), 75kg(fail)
- Press Ups (hand release)
- Sit Ups
Time: 5:08
@Crossfit GS
- 3 Shoulder Press (working upto 40kg)
- 6 Box Steps (2 x 12KB)
5 Rounds for time
- 10 Kettle Bell Swings (16Kg)
- 25 Touch Toes Jump to Bar
Time: 8:06
@Crossfit GS
Warmup: runs, skips and few burpees. A few wipers from bar.
- Lunges (rack position) 5+5
20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 40kg
3 Rounds:
- 8 DB Power Snatch (15kg)
- 37 Russian KB Swings (16kg)
- 78 Double-Unders
In teams (Steve). One works, whilst other rests (holding weight).
Time: 20:28
@Crossfit GS
Warmup: sprints and lunges
Working to a heavy complex of:
- 1 Clean
- 2 Front Squats
Squat clean: 20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 50kg. Power Clean: 55kg, 57.5kg, 60kg
Then 6 Rounds:
- 50 Double Unders (subbed as 15 attempts)
- 10 Overhead Lunges
Time: 13:36
@Crossfit GS
Warmup: legs stuff (lunges etc)
Pistol progression – upto to 20” box
For time (10:57):
- 5 Deadlifts (60kg)
- 15 Hollow Rocks
- 10 Pistols (20” box)
@Crossfit GS
Working to a heavy Overhead Squat
- 20kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg (x3)
3 Rounds for time:
- 15 Overhead Squats
- 9 Thrusters
- 200m run
Tried 1st round with 30kg… dropped to 20kg
Not sure on time but was last and completely wiped out
@Crossfit (GS)
Various lunges, stretches and lat stretch
Front Squat and Push Press (working up to a heavier complex – 40kg)
20 minutes… on every even minute:
- 4 Front Squat
- 4 Push Press
- 1 Thruster
Ranging 35kg-40kg-35kg-30kg
Bar rolling on lats and quads
@Crossfit (GS)
After warmup:
Deadlift technique (30kg)
12 Minutes:
- 2 farmers walks (12kg KB)
- 20 box jumps
- 4 farmers walks
- 15 box jumps
- 6 farmers walks
- 10 box jumps
- 8 farmers walks
- 5 box jumps
- Cash out: Burpees
Result: ~24
5/2/4 Back sore after burpees for a few days
@CrossFit (GS)
After warmup:
3x Push Press…. technique and stayed on 40kg
5 Rounds for Time:
- 50 skips
- 15 DB Thrusters (5kg)
4/3/4. No issues – unfit with thrusters
Chris talked me into getting back into CrossFit. Having put on 7kg and done barely anything for 12+ months, decided to try with him at a new gym before it opens officially as an excuse to ease back into it.
- Skipping (2min)
- Lunges
- Bear Walk (2 types)
- A spiderman type complex
- med ball clean
- barbell power clean (hip clean) 30kg
4 Rounds (EMOM - 20 mins)
- Lunges
- KB Swings (12kg)
- Sit Ups
- Suicide sprints
- Plank complex
- Stretches, coach style and glute
5/2/2. Some glute/back issues. Sore knees.